CIC Mobile Crane Exam Prep

CIC Mobile Crane Exam Prep

Resources for Mobile Crane Exam Preparation

It is important to note that CIC does not endorse any specific training program or company, nor does CIC provide a course of study that leads to certification. We recommend candidates choose high-quality training programs and invest time and effort on their own to gain both the knowledge and hands-on experience necessary for safe and effective crane operation.

The Resources Are Available To:

1. Provide candidates with a general overview of the testing domains for the Virtual and Practical Exams mentioned above. This information is also available in the “Understanding Exam Scores” section of the Candidate Handbook. 

2. Provide manufacturer load charts used in each Mobile Crane Operator Exam so that the candidate may become familiar with them before their exams if they wish.

3. Provide an excellent list of resources, including relevant published materials, professional regulations and safety standards, and helpful contact information that may assist you as you look ahead toward your certification or recertification exams.

We encourage candidates to take the time to review these resources, pursue high-quality training, and seek feedback and evaluation from qualified individuals to prepare for certification exams.

Available Resources

Load Chart Handouts

Crane Institute Certification

Lattice Boom Crawler/ Carrier Cranes

Crane Institute Certification

Telescoping Boom Cranes Over 75 Tons

Crane Institute Certification

Articulating Boom Cranes

Crane Institute Certification

Telescoping Boom Cranes 21-75 Tons

Crane Institute Certification

Telescoping Boom Cranes Under 21 Tons

Other Resources

Books and Manuals
Mobile Cranes, by James Headley (Crane Institute of America Publishing & Products, LLC)
Rigging, by James Headley (Crane Institute of America Publishing & Products, LLC)
Mobile Crane Manual (Infrastructure Health & Safety Association)
Hoisting and Rigging Safety Manual (Infrastructure Health & Safety Association)
IT Crane and Rigging, by Ronald Garby (IPT Publishing and Training, Ltd)
Regulations and Standards
B30.5 – MOBILE AND LOCOMOTIVE CRANES. American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)
B30.9 – SLINGS. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
B30.10 – HOOKS. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
B30.23 – PERSONNEL LIFTING SYSTEMS. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
B30.26 – RIGGING HARDWARE. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
PART 1926 SUBPART CC – CRANES AND DERRICKS IN CONSTRUCTION. Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). U.S. Department of Labor
PART 1910.180 – CRAWLER LOCOMOTIVE AND TRUCK CRANES. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). U.S. Department of Labor
Resource Contacts
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
800-843-2763 (US/Canada)
001-800-843-2763 (Mexico)
973-882-1167 (outside North America)

Crane Institute of America Publishing & Products, LLC

Infrastructure Health & Safety Association

IPT Publishing and Training, Ltd.


Occupational Safety & Health Administration
800-321-OSHA (6742)

CIC Test Portal